Here are just a few shots from our honeymoon! The week after our wedding we flew to Mexico and stayed at an all-inclusive resort in Riviera Maya, which is south of Cancun. It was the most amazing vacation I have ever been on. We knew it would be nice, but this place was shocking. There were like zillions of pools and literally 7 restaurants. Yumm....I loved the food. I told Aaron I wanted hot weather and good food and I got it. We were literally in paradise. Most of our days were spent relaxing by the pool. A few days were spent shopping and just taking in the culture. It was fun fun fun!

WHOA!!!!!!! Just LOVE it when friends start blogs!!! The pics of you guys are awesome - now I can picture what Aaron looks like. Looks like you guys had a blast on your honeymoon. Thanks for the comment on our blog- I'll your link!!!
YEAHHHH! I was SO excited to see YOUR comment on Holly's blog! Now I can stalk yours too except I actually KNOW you guys! hee hee I forgot to check after you told me you did this! GOOD JOB! ha ha! Love ya, gorgeous! OH and LOVE that you added how cute MY kids are into your comment to Holls! Politics is DEFINITLY in your future! LOL!~ Amanda
Hi Janet! It was so fun seeing your post on Kate's blog and then finding yours. (I'm still kinda new to this whole blogging thing too...) You guys look great - and so very happy! - Sondra (Stahl) Bontrager
YEA!!! Welcome :) The blogging thing is so addictive, although I have to be honest, it is way more fun to read other peoples than to post on your own... but people start to get mad when you haven't posted in awhile, so that's why you have to keep doing it... anyways, you're stuck now :) Great to hear from you babe. I'll be sure and link ya :)
Yeah. See you are doing so very well. I love the pics from the honeymoon. Hott Mama. Love the little black number!! Have a good day!!
Hey Janeto! Glad to see you're bloggin'. Looks like you guys had a great honeymoon. You know Todd and I went to Cancun for ours too and we loved it. I'm sure you made some great memories ;)
Hey Janet. I found a link to your blog on Amy's site. Congratulations on your marriage! You guys looks so happy!!
Please check out my website when you have a chance.
Michelle (D'Amico) McCallum
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