Friday, January 04, 2008

[Photo]So...what's up ya'll?? How was Christmas?? Ours was goooooood. Fam stuff, friend stuff, Christmas stuff....yada yada yada. No really, it was a good one. We didn't do a whole lot, but we were able to take a few days off and head to Michigan for a couple days. Aaron got to spend some time with his family and hang out with his little niece Kaley. She's is about 19 months now and starting to recognize us a little. We don't get to see her much since they live in Maryland, so it is such a treat to spend time with her. It's crazy how just being around little ones makes Christmas so much more fun. My mom keeps begging us to have one but that isn't happening any time soon!!!! So for all of you who are wondering...wonder no more. Not happening. Since my last post a few things have happenned. I dyed my hair brown which is kinda huge. I've never in my life wanted or even thought of going dark, but winter depresses me so I thought my hair should match. I kinda like it. I'll probably do it again too. So ha!!! But we all know I'm a blonde at heart so when the sun starts to shine again, I'll be blonde as can be. I'm sure this is thrilling to all of you. Right now I'm watching a stellar movie: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Isn't Jack Nicholson great? Great performance. The nurse in this movie is such a witch. Geeeez!! Anybody seen it? If you haven't, you're weird. Go rent it. No really....go. Ok....I'm spent. Gotta get back to my movie :) I love you all....miss you too. Hey.......I really do!! Nighty night :)


Unknown said...

I love it!! Change is good. I love and miss you...

Michelle S. said...

love the hair Janet--and glad to hear you had a good holiday!! hmm i wonder if any of my patients tonight think i'm a witch??:)

The Chinlund Family said...

J! great to see an update! I miss you, and can you please send me your phone number? I got a new one and lost my old before I could transfer numbers! Love ya babe!